Voice of Ellester
The Voice of Ellester is a political party mainly representing Elnovkian interests within the United Republic. It advocates for the beliefs of maximum personal and digital freedoms and a laissez-faire economy, also pushing for fiscally conservative policies such as reduced taxes, and pro-business tendenciestendencies. The party, despite being extremely social-liberal, is staunchly pro-death penalty, despite its advocacy for lenience on petty crimes and lower-grade misdemeanors.
The party leader is CheesyJeb, who previously lead the Second, Third, and Fourth Republics of Ellester (16 April, 2023 to February 2024)
What are the branches?
The Voice of Ellester has a few branches in Ellington and Havania, each named "Voice of Ellington" and "Voice of Havania". Despite having "Voice of Ellester" as its name, it speaks for the whole of the UR when it shares its beliefs