Ellester Эллестер |
Capital City |
Nickname(s): The City With A Slavic Soul |
Country: State: Ellester Capital District (ELS) |
Demonym(s): |
Ellester (Russian: Эллестер, Ukranian: Еллестер) is the executive capital of Lucelia and the capital of the Internal Republic of Ellester. The city is located in the middle of the Ellester Capital District bordering the San Luis Sea. It has a population of 89,796 in the City District but 342,692 in the urban area. Ellester is a city home to finance hubs, hotel's and plaza's. Ellester is colloquially referred to as the City With A Slavic Soul because of the Slavic heritage that the city has and the large number of Russians and Ukranians who live in Ellester.
Ellester comes from the older Russian Ельновка (El'novka) which indirectly means "new village". El'novka is still used today by the Russian and Ukranian population. Ellester comes from British and American WW2 soldiers who misinterpreted the word and said Ellester instead. After the war most of the English population in El'novka began using the word Ellester instead and silently, the town's name changed from El'novka to Ellester. The name Ellester is also used for the name of the former country and for the now Internal Republic.
Early history (7000 B.C.E-1669)
The nowadays Ellester area saw its first human settlers around 7000 B.C.E. and 6000 B.C.E. These settlers traversed large distances and survived on fish, caribou and moose. The cold subarctic climate in the area made surviving hard. The first settlers weared anorak-like leather jackets. Archaeological sites have found different tools like axes and sticks.
The earliest human tribe that have settled in the area were the Gathawks. A tribe speaking an Iroquois language called Gathawkian. The Gathawks are known for their countless hunting techniques. Around 1000 B.C.E. farming was introduced. Farming was not doing well especially in the freezing temperatures. That's why the population sticked with hunting. The Gathawk diet was mostly reliable on fish and meat. Around 200 CE. the local Gathawk population was also trading with other folks. Trading with axes, arrows and and knifes.
In the 1100s different burial mounds have been made next to Mount Ellester. Different other tribes like the Western Ajudigioux have met some of the Gathawk population. Most of the tribes weren't enemies and trade was going on for thousands of years.
European discovery (1669-1800)
On September 11th 1669 a Russian ship from
While neutral in World War 1, World War II was on a different avenue. Ellester partially aided the allies, specifically the Soviet Union, which resulted in Ellester permitting Soviet soldiers on Ellester turf (miscellanous: the name "Ellester" came from US and UK airforce pilots harboured in El'novka). In 1950, the Soviet Union established a satelite state called "the People's Socialist Republic of Ellester" (Народная Социалистическая Республика Эллестер). The republic remained a Marxist-Leninist communist dictatorship until Alexej Kuzdrovskij, a premier of the P.S.R.E. formally declared the end of the communist regime and begin liberalization back to the direction of democracy, while remaining socialist. In the late '70s and early '80s, Cascadia broke into a civil war; its civilians blamed Ellester for the cause of the civil war and shortly after the end of the Civil War, Cascadia launched a military operation on the small republic, bringing the nation to its knees and absorbing it into Cascadia. Over the years, Englishmen from Cascadia multiplied in numbers to eventually have English replace Russian as the lingua franca of Ellester; the English population finally exceeded the Russian population around 1992. A motorway through the city was built in 1994, with heavy opposition from the Slavic population, as the highway had NO Russian signs and only English, their efforts proved futile and the highway was built.
Independence Movements (pre-independence)
As the Slavic population finally outnumbered the Anglo population for the first time since 1992 around April 2023, Independence calls have been growing, especially in the midst of a protest by communists, who vandalized Cascadian flags and rose the flags of the Soviet Union. The protestors were "dealt with" and the damage was repaired. On the evening of 12 April, 2023, the parliament approve an "exit Cascadia" bill on the condition of:
"The Municipal Area of Ellester cannot formally leave Cascadia until the 25th of May and is legally required to hold a referendum. In the event that independence is declared without a referendum, the parliamentary members who approve the decision under those illegal circumstances will be heavily reprimanded."
Ellester had 3 options: Stay in Cascadia and stay the same, neutral independence that should mean Ellester had its own government or Join Jatkosota Pact with Jatkosota and Sovisk (Ellester will be independent but with a communist/socialist government).
As of 16 April, 2023, the "No Instant Exit" policy was thrown out and a referendum was held in the PCB community over whenever Ellester should exit, exit as a Jatkosota-brokered communist regime, or remain in Cascadia for the time being. Exiting as a fully-independent republic was voted most, as Ellester exited retaining democratic ideals.
Independence Day
on 16 April, 2023, The referendum reached the conclusion that Ellester will declare independence without any outside parties.
The independence was formally finished on the same day, coinciding with a new tower replacing the Triangle Tower, called the "Polaris Trade Tower" which replaced its former placeholder.
the Downtown area is entirely east of Ellester National Highway 15 (also known as Highway 11).
(Map of Ellester; dated 19th of May, 2023. The airport now holds a massive PCBCG base, a new district east of the airport and west of the highway is under progress. It replaces the former unfinished Hancock Heights district. Northwest of the airport are possible suburbs and rajons (regions) zoned for future construction, which may lay along the Durban Highway. The peninsula that downtown Ellester lays on is named "the El'novsk Peninsula" or in Russian, "Ельновский полуостров (El'novskij poluostrov)"