United Republic
The United Republic (UR) is a country located within the Creative 1.15 Map.
The United Republic is a semi-Presidential Federal Republic, with the President as its head of State, and the Prime Minister as its head of Government. Within the United Republic are semi-autonomous states lead by a governor. The powers of the federal government are generally limited to advising, planning and guiding its constituencies through policy making and infrastructure development.
The United Republic |
Flag of the United Republic
Motto: "Arte et Labore" (Latin) "Through Skill and Hard Work" |
Anthem: "Eve of the war" |
Capital: Ellington (Executive)
Anaheim (Legislative, Judicial) |
Official Language: English |
Denonym: United Republicker |
Government: Federal semi-presidential republic
Legislature: Congress
Currency: United Republic Dollar ($) (URD) |
Time Zone: UTC-9 (URST) |
Website: Government |
Structure and Organization
The United Republic is a semi-presidential federal republic. The President acts as the head of state, who wields most executive powers, is responsible for diplomacy, and is the commander-in-chief of the United Republic military. The Prime Minister, appointed by the legislature, acts as the head of government, wielding some executive power, and is responsible for charing and appointing the cabinet and the day-to-day running of the Federal Government.
As a federal republic, the United Republic is made up of constituent states and federal territories. The two states of the United Republic are Ellington and Usonia both located on the mainland.
The United Republic is also guided by a Federal Legislature, and a Federal Court System. The Legislature writes official law, and the Courts oversee their constitutional application (are given the power of judicial review).
The day-to-day affairs of the United Republic (in practical terms, separate from fictional structure) are governed by the Republic Cabinet, which is comprised of governors and other senior officials of the nation. The President is considered the chairperson of the Republic Cabinet.
The United Republic was founded in 1804 as the merger of the Republic of Usonia and the Independent Republic of Ellington.
PCB Nation History
The nation of the United Republic was founded by _Travis, and Nathaniel Pascual Matthews (MattDB), the then President of Corallium on the 22nd of June, 2023. Corallium and the cities governed by _Travis merged to form the third United Republic.
The First Republic (2018-2020)
The First United Republic was founded by _Travis on November 11, 2018 on the Creative 1.12 map. By 2019, the United Republic was one of the largest and most active nations on Project City Build. The capital was located first in Norwood (Norwood), then in Newport (Sealand). The First Republic became defunct with the discontinuation of the 1.12 creative map in early 2020.
The United Republic of Corallium (2020-2022)
The Corallish Republic (Republica Corallium) was founded on April 10, 2020 by MattDB and jmvanna on the creative 1.15 map. The nation was centred around the island of Prima in the Great Coral Ocean. The Corallish Republic subsequently became the Kingdom of Corallium. Following the Petition for Democracy initiated by the Governor of Prima, the Kingdom of Corallium became the Government of Corallium. Following the admission of the territories of _Travis and the second Presidential election, which saw Matthew Corallis (MattDB) elected as President, the Government of Corallium finally became the United Republic of Corallium.
The Second Republic (2022)
On June 21 2022, the city of Usonia was founded in the southern Great Coral Ocean. On this day, the United Republic of Corallium thus became the United Republic, and MattDB and _Travis were made Administrators of Government pending a formal constitution and elections.
The United Republic of Corallium (2022-2023)
The second United Republic became defunct due to inactivity of MattDB and _Travis, and thus at some stage between 2022 and 2023, MattDB re-formed the United Republic of Corallium.
The Third Republic (2023-)
The third United Republic was founded on June 22, 2023 which saw the city of Ellington (_Travis) and the various territories of the United Republic of Corallium (MattDB) merged to form the United Republic. The third republic notably adopted the same flag as the first United Republic, with minor colour corrections. _Travis was instated President and MattDB Prime Minister.
The United Republic is comprised of two states:
Name | Flag | Governor | Capital (Largest) City | Date of Admission | Abbreviation |
Ellington |
![]() |
_Travis | Ellington | June 22, 2023 | EL |
Usonia | ![]() |
MattDB | Anaheim | June 22, 2023 | US |