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CascadiaCrest.jpgCrest Of Cascadia
cas.pngFlag Of Cascadia


"Cascadia Today, Cascadia Tomorrow, Cascadia Forever"


"A Place To Grow"

Capital:   Montmorency

Official Languages:


Riomese French 


Minor Languages:






Director: whbilbo (2020-

Legislature: National Directory


 18,203,961 Increase2.2%


Tot. Increase $6.28 Trillion P-CIncrease $86,539

Currency: Cascadian Credit (CASC)
HDI: 0.891 (High)
Timezone: UTC-10(CWST), UTC-9(SLST), UTC-8(CEST)

The Directory of Cascadia (D.C. or D.o.C.), also referred to as the Annuaire de Cascadia (A.d.C.), is a country located within the Creative 1.15 map. The nation consists of 12 Provinces. extending from the shores of the northern Coral Sea in the west, to the Valdez Sea in the east, and San Luis Sea to the north. The country is moderately inhabited and has a population of 18 Million. It's three largest cities are Montmorency, Lennox, and Dixieville.

The capital of Cascadia is Montmorency, a city located northeast of the Creative spawn warp point, near the coordinates of X4620  Y73 Z-14226.


First Age 5000BCE-1720AD-------------------

From as long ago as 5000BCE, the indigenous peoples of the region had been living in harmony with the earth, and the surrounding environment. Artifacts such as tools, textiles, and human remains have confirmed that the indigenous peoples had full control of the surroundings. Tribes such as the Wendat, Mississauga, and Anishinaabe are still inhabitants of the land, and still share common ancestors with the Ajudige and Durbanian Peoples. Common traditions, including dance, art, and food are now staples amongst most Cascadians. Furthermore, the land Montmorency sits in was known as a historical melting pot of different Tribal cultures and traditions.

Arrival of the French (1720)

Peace and isolation had stayed the norm, until the year 1720, when a French exploration mission, consisting of 15 ships, entered the San Luis Sea, but noticed a strait between what is now Valdez National Park, and the Franklin Peninsula of the Valdez Province. (Historically, fog had blocked the straight out of view). Upon the discovery of the strait, the winds of the San Luis had picked up and gifted a blunt strong push for the ships to enter the strait. Of the fifteen ships to enter the strait, only Nine had managed not to sink or run aground. After roughly two hours, many crewmates, intimidated by the terrain, noted that the nearby Salazar Mountains seemed to be "watching" the ships and their every movement. Upon landing on the now Montmorency Peninsula, the explorers had planted the French flag, and rung the ships bell seven times, to see if there would be a response. Within moments, a distant percussive boom was heard, followed by six more. The explorers were dumbfounded, as they had passed the isles of Pjaia before entering the strait. Following this, it is said that three boats had tried to flee, but were fired upon by the commanding vessel, Le Republique. It is unknown how many were killed, As estimates range from 27-140. Following this initial disaster, a small colony was formed, and not long after, contact with indigenous peoples was established. The colony was referred to as Chateau Republique.

Second Age (1721-1730)----------------------

 In January 1721, roughly four months after the arrival of the French, first contact between the Indigenous Wendat Tribe, and the French had occurred. It is noted that the first exchange was done non-verbally, with lots of body language, and sign language. A skill that the French had learned from previous expeditions to Canada, and the United States. With hesitant smiles, and the clouds breaking to show the evening sunset, it was safe to say that no one knew how to proceed next. Over the next several years, the original exploratory mission, had contacted the French Mainland, confirming land, people, and resources. The French sent nearly a dozen missions to the region, which introduced the colonists and indigenous peoples to newer innovations, medicines, and foods. The first fusion dish of French and Indigenous Peoples consisted of Maize and Bison Meat on a bread loaf, with a Maple Syrup glaze. It is commonly known in Cascadia as a Mixed Sandwich. The French also adjusted their architectural style to match that of indigenous styles, building brick longhouses, and neutral religious temples. However, this already tense understanding of peace had been shattered several times, as numerous incidents of violence against the Wendat people had commenced. Conspiracies, surrounding several tragedies amongst the colony, some  saw these as being the fault of the Indigenous, when in reality, they were false excuses for violence. While the majority of settlers demanded this was not their intent, they knew that reconciling for these acts would take a very long time.

The arrival of the British(1730)

 In 1730, due to failures in French Intelligence, the British King, George II, had caught word that the French had a new outpost in this hidden land. This knowledge made the already sour king, furious, especially after learning that the French had not introduced mass religious practices among the Indigenous peoples. Fearing this practice would come back to France, and then Britain, George II demanded that thirty ships be sent, as well as a military general, a priest, and two thousand rounds of ammunition. As the way the British saw the situation, the French had been too kind, and were making them much more weak than they appeared. As the British arrived in July of 1730, The French had sent emergency messages to the mainland warning of a British attack, to which the Mainland had brushed off as being a false report, as they were too bold to assume that the British had their secrets. The day the British landed, July 2nd 1730, warning bells across the colony and near several indigenous villages were ringing in unison to alert that an enemy had arrived. With Twenty-three of the Thirty ships surviving the same forceful push into the strait, the British opened fire upon everyone they saw. This massacre lasted two hours, and thirty-seven minutes, and saw the complete destruction of Chateau Republique, as well as the nearby villages of Dakib and Onda'ibaan. The British sent a clear message to the region that they were now in charge. Estimates of this massacre range in the thousands, with the near extermination of the Indigenous Peoples on the peninsula. To this day, demographists estimate that 1/3 of any Indigenous Cascadian that could have been born, (roughly 1.26 Million) never were. To this day, the British Royal Family has never recognized this act of violence, and the resulting three year genocide.

British Colonization, and The Early Cascadian Revolution (1733-1800)

Years following the Genocide, and with colonization at full speed ahead, the settlement of Chateau Republique had been renamed to Kings Isles, in the name of the ruler George II. By now, the population of the colony had exploded to nearly thirty-thousand, and it was noted that while the French were still sailing in the region, they lay outpost in a nearby swamp off the shores of the inlet named Valdez Bay. This outpost was formed in 1724, and was named Nouvel-Riom. Border clashes between the British and French eventually led to the French being pushed into place at Nouvel-Riom, and its surrounding cliffs.

It is around the year 1750 that expeditions to surrounding shores, and rivers lead to the discovery, and eventual settlement of Lemming Hill, (Lennox), Kaskill Row, (Kazanova), and Portland. Around this time, the Indigenous population began to slowly recover, and British morale began to run low. Citizens who were still living with the horrors of the Massacre of 1730, felt empathetic for the Indigenous and slightly to the French, and a growing hatred of their leaders was brewing.

In 1770, a controversial order from the Mainland announced that the King would arrive in Ten Years to tour the settlement and that he would announce the official declaration of the British Cascade Group. This declaration laid out the foundations for a puppet republic, that would be controlled by a company in the British mainland who's expertise was on agriculture and textiles. This had two effects on the British settlers.

A). jubilance, as It stated that the original families in the Upper Class, as well as pure blooded Britons and Religious Families would receive preferential tax treatment, and roles in governance.


B). Fury. With a vast amount of the population being below the poverty line, the annoyed citizens, in acts of defiance, took it upon themselves to help increase the population of the French and Indigenous. Through contact, forming relationships, and also through starting families, the citizens had begun their attempt to diversify the populous.

There was rightful resistance among the Indigenous, as they had witnessed what the British were capable of, and did not want any repeat actions. So while the French Population grew massively over the few years, the Indigenous population did as well, but at a slower rate. As they adopted this idea, citizens of the colony would give them shelter, medicine, and money for each new child, in an attempt to get the population to continue to grow.

In July 1774, among hearing news of the British loss in the American Revolutionary War, and subsequent cancellation of the eventual Declaration Of The British Cascade Group, a French and Indigenous couple, who had recently welcomed a son into the world, rushed back to their home with tears in their eyes. Not sad tears however, but tears of joy, as they saw that anyone who was organized enough against a larger enemy, could end up living in a free nation. This Family, named the Montmorency' had married two years earlier, and had given birth to a son named Pierre. The Montmorency Family lived in what is now the University neighbourhood in Montmorency. Pierre eventually studied law, and statesmanship at a local Anglican hall, and the family moved between Nouvel-Riom, and Kings Isles in secrecy many times to stay with their accepted roots.  

The Twenty-Year War, and eventual Revolution (1800-1820)

Following the decades of successive defiance of the citizens through the population growth, the lower class of King's Isles, and the integrated Indigenous peoples, had made a mark on the colony. This was through marriages, and very public events of births, and families of mixed races and ethnicities.

By 1800, The British overlords had eventually realized what the populous had years prior. They realized that they were outdated, and that they were the minority now, and to keep their place, the overlords contacted the mainland, demanding aid; but as the British were going through many crises at home, these requests were denied over and over again. From 1800-1816, occasional raids from Riomese-French citizens, and Indigenous groups occurred against Kings Isles. These acts proved to be much more damaging then expected, as in many cases, citizens did not put up a fight, and rather welcomed the French and Indigenous into the outer districts of the settlement, which now had a population of 90,000.

By 1810, the towns of Lemming Hill and Kaskill Row had been liberated as French protectorate towns, under the names of Lennox, and Kazanova respectively. In 1816 however, the final calls for a revolution were everywhere. Local papers wrote articles on the upper class and their exuberant wealth, which supercharged the populous. Incidents of lower class citizens raiding mansions, and killing inhabitants of the mansions was commonplace. But one event in 1816, spearheaded by a now 30 year old Pierre Montmorency, had taken the Revolution into the mainstream.

The Ballroom Catastrophe (July 2 1816)

After an invitation to speak in Pjaia, at the annual ball celebrations, (which had only recently been allowed for citizens to travel to), Montmorency saw the opportunity to ignite the revolution. However, an 1808 Declaration from the overlords, closing the Valdez strait to prevent mass emigration to Pjaia, and other liberated towns such as Lennox and Kazanova, meant that Montmorency had to secretly leave the colony. This wasn't uncommon for Montmorency, as he would leave the colony almost daily. but this time around, Montmorency noted that the woods were truly alive with soldiers, as he snuck through the Salazar mountains, to meet with a contact to board a private paddleboat. Upon his arrival at the ball in Pjaia, he donned a red and blue cloak his mother had gifted him on his birthday, and a traditional cedar hat, with his family's yellow, gray, and black colouring and patterning. He entered the ballroom to cheers of applause, as he was the first like minded European politician to step foot into Pjaia in centuries. His famous "I Must Complain" speech, transformed the energy in the region.

...And while i give thanks to the generous man and woman who helped me sail to this event, I must complain... This complaint is no ill will to the couple, nor this ballroom, nor anyone here or in this beautiful city...... But to the organized cycle of hurt, that I have been told was once a cycle of love, for thousands of years. I must complain, because I have witnessed horrors I wished not to. I must complain because I can't understand why my neighbour and the woman down by the well on cherry St are seen as less of a being than myself. Finally, I must complain, because In my home, my privacy, I can not do this-" 

-Pierre Montmorency- as he rushes to a nearby man and embraces him.

The Ballroom caused such a loud cheer, that it is reported the bells on the Cacedrale Geminai belltower, across the city were ringing louder than a cannon firing from 10 feet away. After embracing the man, Montmorency declared "Kings Isles, I Declare A Cascading Revolution Of Love!". The Ballroom had opened it's doors, and the cheering and celebration flowed out onto the street, and a crowd escorted Montmorency to a dock near the Citadela del'Baye. Upon his return to Kings Isles, citizen bulletins across the settlement showed drawings of Montmorency's embrace, and the celebration that followed. Many in Kings Isles had also reported the sound of bells the night before. Once British overlords saw this, they panicked and tried to find Montmorency. 

This was no easy task, as by now, almost 1/3 of Kings Isles was under some sort of French or Indigenous influence, and mass public opinion was unfavorable of the rulers. A local paper, named after the Jacobin club during the 1795 French revolution had also influenced Montmorency to set his middle name as Jacobin, as the ideas that came from that revolution, continued his drive. Eventually, he kept asking himself if he could make his own works and policy, and eventually he would.

Final Days(1820-1824)

By 1820, with many of the citizens of the now city of Kings Isles openly writing on paper, walls, roads, and administrative halls, change was no longer an ask, but a demand. Now, at the age of 34, Montmorency had built a chateau in the Salazar Mountains, overlooking the Valdez strait. He was a wanted man, and for the next few years, he wrote in isolation, with protection from local French soldiers, and Indigenous peoples in the vicinity of his chateau. Here, he wrote the national constitution, Le Venir. (The Becoming).

With Seven signatures on the Nine page document, from himself, a French naval general, an Anashinaabe tribal leader, a member of the Ajudigioux, and three other witnesses, Le Venir, became law. Cascadia, was born. It is unknown at what specific time Montmorency wrote Le Venir, but it is assumed he wrote it in late April, inspired by the spring across the strait, and in the surrounding region. The Document became law on July 3rd 1820, with one final push.

July 3 1820

 Talk amongst the Citizens in Lennox, Kazanova, Nouvel-Riom, and within Kings Isles on a plan were made. All citizens were to flood the Palace of George in Kings Isles at noon, and demand one last time, for a peaceful switch of power. With the French protectorate group from Lennox picking up Montmorency, and transporting him to Nouvel Riom, he boarded a merchant ship, and crossed Valdez Bay under a patch of fog, to the shores of the Isles. It is estimated, nearly Two-Hundred Thousand citizens flooded the streets, destroying mansions, post offices, government halls, state funded churches, and the Palace of George, which stood where the current Directory building stands. By 15:00, the ruling British ambassador had approached the crowd from a balcony, and asked what they wanted. a resounding "CASCADING LOVE" was heard, and lead to the ambassador to come down to the square, to sign off Le Venir, or face expulsion by force. By 15:10, Britain had lowered their flag on the Palace, and the flag of a free Cascadia, rose above the hall. It was reported that the ambassador was deported within the next few days, and the entire cabinet and governance system was dismantled, and the wealth of the governing families, reallocated to the people and colony that Montmorency loved so much. 

Third Age (1820-1914)-------------------------------------

Following the creation of Cascadia, it was the first priority for Montmorency to develop the city of Kings Isles, and rename it, so that it would fit with the ideas of the citizens. By 1824, the British had officially recognized Cascadia's Independence, and all of it's naval fleets had left the region, and the greater San Luis region as well. The French had also left, but their mark remained on Nouvel-Riom, which now had Montmorency in a pickle. Cascadian citizens were diverse, and did not have a specific profile to who they were. Montmorency introduced the ideas to his sitting council, named the Directorate of Cascadia, to integrate remaining French citizens into Cascadia, by allowing them to continue speaking in their mother tongue. Cascadia officially adopted a tri-Lingual policy in 1825, which set English, French, and Ojibwe as the national languages. This was around the same time that the new Government District had been created in the city. 1825 also saw Montmorency act as Cascadia's First Director for a term of 10 years. A Residence was also built for Montmorency, as a gesture of goodwill from citizens. At first Montmorency decried it for idolization, which he saw as a British Imperial behavior's, but after much convincing, he eventually folded and resided in the now Residence building, home to current, and previous Cascadian Directors. Upon completion of the Directory Hall, the city was declared Agwamo, after the Ojibwe word for On Water.

Development Of The Nation(1820-1900)

By 1830, Agwamo, Lennox, and Kazanova, as well as a small town named Winndixie, were interconnected by small roads, and Lennox and Kazanova by rail. Agwamo also had developed a local streetcar network, connecting different areas of the city, with different demographics. All lines lead to the Government District, as Montmorency believed that citizens should have direct access to their government, if they had a complaint. This system of streetcars were also implemented in Lennox, and Kazanova, where they increased in popularity. 

With Electricity also becoming common, Montmorency saw that every household should have access to modern luxuries. Healthcare also played an important role, as the British and French had left many recipes for medicines, and constant deliveries and trading with the French, and Canadians saw many advancements in medicine and eventually, Universal healthcare becoming law in Cascadia. 

With the foundations for a powerful new Nation set, no one could have foretold what the Summer of 1830 had planned for the Cascadians. A drought, with blazing heat in the high 30C' and a wildfire that destroyed many southern parts of Agwamo, and a fire that damaged part of Lennox, rebuilding was the priority for the government. Montmorency was aging, and with that, his spirits slowly started to go, but following the rebuilding of Agwamo and Lennox, and with Cascadia now having three provinces, (Capital, Lennox, and Kazanova), and a population of near 1 Million, Montmorency's change in heart flipped back to the young restless politician who electrified the nation. 

Other Events in this time period include the connection of Agwamo with Lennox and Kazanova by rail, and equity reforms that allowed many in Cascadia, official rights. By the late 1830s, an old man looking upon the Nation he had created, Montmorency started to back away from the spotlight, and rather let his government continue to operate. In 1835, after the announcement of his retirement, Franklin Talbot, Montmorency's second in command assumed office and lead as Cascadia's Second Director, from 1835-1845. Following a stroke in 1843 however, Pierre Jacobin Montmorency had Died at the age of 63.

Following the news of his death, the public rallied to change Agwamo's name to Montmorency to reflect the leader who gave them their freedoms. With a national referendum in 1844, and 93% of the vote in favor of the name change, Montmorency became the name of the Capital of Cascadia.

The Munroe Directory (1845-1870)

Following the retirement of Franklin Talbot in 1845, Cascadia took a progressive step forward for the world to see, and elected a woman as it's Third Director, Burnadette Munroe. Munroe was one of the longest serving directors, serving from 1845 until 1870, and lead the country through many important world events, including the United States Civil War, and the Confederation of Canada. Munroe ran to implement tri-lingual schooling for all, and at all levels of education, and also implemented social programs for the sick and impoverished. She is also credited with spearheading motions to build several high skill infrastructure projects such as bridges, early sewers, and clean drinking water systems. She is also credited for the denial of allowing religious internment schools in the nation for Indigenous children, as Canada had been ethnically cleansing for a very long time, and wanted to sell the idea to Cascadia, not knowing the level of restraint that Cascadia would show. By the end of her term, in 1870 she had also passed the nations first Environmental Policy in 1867, which used Indigenous flood-protection techniques, and biosphere preservation across the nation.

The Polowsky Directory (1870-1915)

Following her tenure, Cascadia elected it's Fourth Director, William Polowsky. He is Cascadia's longest serving Director, from 1870 until 1915. Polowsky, a polish immigrant who's family was escaping political persecution came to Cascadia at age 10, and he was now at the helm. His top priority was Immigration reform, as the nation's population had risen to nearly 2 Million, and a delayed industrial revolution, mixed with a waning economy, meant that skilled workers and international immigrants who could help, should come. He spoke on how his family faced many hardships including alienation upon arrival, as their English was not strong, nor their French. He aligned with a more conservative stance on financial reforms, as he had seen first hand what a bad economy could do, and the many other rabbit holes that could form from it, but over his term he progressed to a more centrist stance. He is credited with passing the HEART act of 1907, a Universal healthcare act that would serve ALL in Cascadia, triggered by the death of his wife. He also is credited with passing the 1910 Woman's Place In Society Bill, which lead to women being allowed to officially vote as a whole, own property as a whole, run for office as a whole, and have the same protections. (Despite The Previous Director being a woman, it is noted that her cabinets throughout her time in office had always been 51/49 on any issue pertaining to woman's rights, despite her being the director.) 

Throughout 1900-1915, Other social policies such as the 1912 Native Peoples And The Land We Stand On Act,  guaranteed total rights. It granted the Indigenous peoples a higher say in public affairs as the original peoples of the land, and also guaranteed tax exemptions, and lowered service fees. 

Polowsky's hypocrisy, and the Francis Lowe Directory (1914)

Leading Up to 1914 and the eventual world war in Europe, Polowsky took a 180 on his immigration stance, and sliced immigration from Germany, Hungary, and Austria to 0. He felt that preventing the spread of chaos was needed, and while the bill was extremally popular among many of his more conservative voter base, he was seen as a fraud, and in the 1915 Election, a resounding 19% Voted in favor of Polowsky continuing as Director, and he was replaced with the Fifth Director of Cascadia, Francis Lowe.

 A wave of support for more conservative leaders had been brewing, and while Francis Lowe was quite the progressive liberal, and was only the second Director to run as an independent, Lowe was seen as a coward by domestic conservatives. but with the outbreak of World War I, Lowe's foreign policy included sending ten-thousand Cascadian soldiers to Europe during World War I, to help defend the Allied powers. While this move was not well received at the time, only seven-hundred soldiers were lost in the war. This showed Cascadia's advanced defense and espionage techniques, as it was commonplace for German soldiers to arrive in a town, while Cascadian troops had already laid out mines, traps, and would simply be waiting.

Fourth Age (1915-1976)-------------------------------

Jan 19 1915 Greater Cascadia Earthquake 

Following the Election of Francis Lowe, his role was put to the test. On Jan 19 1915 at 07:09 UTC-9, an earthquake of 6.4 Magnitue, had ruptured through the Salazar Mountains from Kazanova, down to Montmorency. Shaking lasted fourty-seven seconds, and with liquification of the earth stretching across the mountains, and hitting the Valdez strait region, the city was badly damaged. Within hours, reports from Kazanova and Montmorency estimated deaths in the tens of thousands, with countless others injured. 30% of Montmorency, and 17% of Kazanova had been destroyed, and with the use of coal burning fuel, firestorms had engulfed both cities. This almost meant that remainder of the coal supply, which was needed for the end of the harsher than average winter, was gone. Immediately following the end of shaking in Montmorency, Lowe rushed to the residence, to contact allies in Pjaia, and Nouvel-Riom. Within hours, several ships from Pjaia and a frigate from Nouvel-Riom had brought food, clothing, and medicine to the citizens who were affected. Lowe is credited with enforcing greater San-Luis alliances, as the favor was repaid by Cascadia to Nouvel-Riom, and Pjaia many times in the future. Public support for Lowe also exploded, as his government passed emergency declarations, allocating money to reconstruction, public work projects, and a way to kickstart the plateaued economy of the time. 

1916-1924 Rebuilding

In 1918, after the end of World War I, Lowe signed into law both,  the Veterans Of Cascadia Permanent Protections Act, and the Rebuilding Cascadia act. The first act saw that veterans would receive government support for the rest of their lives, regardless of race, sex, financial status, or general situation. The second act would pump money into reconstruction and public work projects. Many conservative critics of these acts saw Lowe as giving away money in an already financially rough time for the country. Since the industrial revolution came late to Cascadia, the general populous was near an equal level of finance, which many saw as being fair and just. However, due to public support, the projects continued. Several examples of this reconstruction can be found in the Montmorency Hydroelectric Dam, The original Valdez Bay Bridge, and the construction of the early Cascadian National Rail. this time period also saw the full Electrification of Cascadia, and more green energy projects, such as hydroelectric dams, and early wind farms. This era also saw the full phase out of electricity generated by mass pollution, as biomass, and hydroelectric, were both cheaper to buy, and easier to harness. 

As the Roaring 20s had reached Cascadia, many saw the country as being a child of innovation, and early public support for technological innovation, and for more of a focus on international trade, to help with the growing economy. However, as social changes and financial reforms had many in the nation jubilated and optimistic, remaining conservative critics became much for vocal, and some more radical. This would eventually lead to the Assassination of Francis Lowe, on election night in 1924.

Lowe's Assassination, and the Martine Dejouge Directory (1924-1945)

On election night, Nov 7th 1924, Francis Lowe, riding on a high of voter support, was on his way to an election night viewing party in the Montparnasse neighbourhood of Montmorency. here, assuming he would win, he would make a great speech to the population, and introduce his next policy of social reforms, that guaranteed pensions for all. At 19:07 as results started to come in via radio broadcast, Lowe stood up from his seat, to look out the window into the square, where thousands had gathered to support Lowe. At 19:14, he stood on a balcony to ask if his supporters needed any food, or to use a washroom, but as he reached out to shake hands with a supporter, the windows of the Montparnasse district hall, blew out in flames, and a man wielding a handgun, took aim at an already injured Lowe, and fired two shots. 

In the days after the assassination, the public, who was furious, raided several conservative banking buildings, a church, and the home of an outspoken critic of Lowe. Show trials were held in this square, and sixteen men and women, who were believed to have been responsible, were publicly hung. Their bodies were than hung in the square for weeks, as a reminder to the populous, and the world, that Cascadia would not take violence lying down. Nowadays, the Montparnasse Square has a permanent memorial to the hanging and show trials, with a plaque reading "TRAITORS LAY HERE"

In 1925, Cascadia voted in Lowe's Minister of Peace, Martine Dejouge, to be the Sixth Director. Dejouge was different from many in the population, as she came from a relatively stable household in Pjaia, and moved to Montmorency in 1913. She was the second Director of Cascadia who was on Indigenous descent, and had a policy of "ONE LOVE ONE NATION". The policies passed between 1925 and 1940 were mainly social policies, guaranteeing protections for victims of abuse, and for the first time in the nation's history, recognition of LGBTQ+ Cascadians.

The Great Depression and World War II (1928-1945)

Following years of success and optimism, as well as a very stable and now decently sized economy, no one could have foreseen the consequences of the great depression, and how it affected the country. Comparatively to the United States and Canada, Cascadia survived the great depression, with only two of its industries being massively affected. Transportation and Domestic Equalization were heavily affected, and lead to a rift forming between the southern provinces, and the northern provinces. Funding for Transportation in the Lennox Province was slashed in half, and it is estimated that 1/4 of the city's population was now at or nearing the poverty line. Equalization Payments for Lennox and Kazanova were lowered, as the provinces had not seen as much progress compared to the southern provinces. By 1935, Cascadia had rebounded to the previous economic level it held before the depression. 

Other events during this time period include the introduction of the Napanee Province, and the Winn-Dixie Province. The Invention of the telephone had also become available to a majority of citizens, and local governments had funded early telephone cafe's for citizens to use if they could not afford a telephone at home. Other events during this time were the Introduction of the Kazanova University, and the University of Montmorency's expansion. 

With the outbreak of World War II in Europe, Africa, and Asia, Dejouge saw the writing on the wall, and challenged the Directory to a declaration of war on Germany, Japan, and Italy. The legal battle went to the supreme court, and eventually saw the nation being approved by its own citizens and courts to join the conflict. Cascadia's population had hit 4 Million in 1940, and with nearly 100,000 eligible to fight, Dejouge made service optional. 90,000 soldiers eventually left Cascadia to fight, and of which, only 47,000 would return home. The war had a stronger effect on the northern provinces, as many of the soldiers came from Lennox and Kazanova, and the populations would not be able to repair without help. Cascadia was responsible for making several landings in Vichy France in 1944.

Following the defeat of the Germans and Japanese, Cascadia recalled all soldiers to return home, and the return of troops was celebrated across the nation, even in the pockets of Lennox and Kazanova, where most would not return home. Cascadia had been questioned on their ethics following the war, as reports from citizens in Vichy France reported war crimes taking place by Cascadians against the Occupying German forces, however, these claims were shrugged off by Cascadian Military Leaders, as they had saved citizens from the Germans. 

The Atomic Age, and the eventual Civil War (1946-1975)

With the Atomic Bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki during Aug 1945, Cascadia saw the destructive power of splitting the atom. Many were horrified, but many were in awe. One individual, Mackenzie King, was in favor of developing atomic weapons. A scientist who had worked for the Ministry of Technology, ran for office and was Elected Cascadia's Seventh Director, in office from 1945-1950. Following a direct demand from Director King, scientists at the top universities in Cascadia yearned to know how to build such a device, but not for defense, but for energy and technology.

 The technology harnessed by the atomic age included Microwaves, Television, Nuclear Energy, Advancements in computing, and adoption of Micro-Reactors for planes. In Cascadia, intercity rail lines were powered by small reactors, and sensors for early automatic doors were developed. nuclear medicine also was developed for treating types of cancers and infections that most normal antibiotics could not. In 1949 the King Directory passed the Nuclear Responsibility and Waste Management Act. this act saw that spent nuclear waste would be the problem of the government, and not citizens, and many deposits for waste were built around the nation. However, due to a more conservative world, and the McCarthy trials in the United States, a conservative wave voted him out of office in 1950 for a leader who ran on using nuclear weaponry for defense. One individual who sought to harness nuclear for it's ulterior motives, was Robert Ellington. He ran on a platform of modernization through defense, and was the Eighth Director of Cascadia from 1950-1955.

Ellington passed several austerity measures, social service cuts to northern provinces, and repealed many acts that Dejouge had passed. An atomic weapon was eventually developed in 1953 in secret, and a test of the weapon deep underneath the Salazar Mountains was successful. Cascadia was now an atomic armed nation. The world would not know of this until the 1990s after the end of the civil war.

 However, due to the now unpopular Ellington passing as many laws as the British colonists did, the 1955 election saw a 41% Swing to the left. Running for the new formed Green Party of Cascadia, a 43 year old Santiago Moreno was elected the Ninth Director of Cascadia, in office between 1955-1965. A child of immigrant parents, Moreno revolutionized the social laws of the nation. His famous Social Contract Act of 1957 saw that any vote for the wellbeing of citizens, would be only by citizens. Moreno also went on a change against corruption, with nearly fifty Directory members being removed over his tenure. Following the Social Contract Act, many previously repealed policies were cemented into the national charter. Cases such as Brown Vs Ines, Bergen Vs Rona, and Moreno Vs Law, lead to the passage of the Cascadian Civil Rights Act of 1958, the passage of the Cascadian Family Structure Act of 1963, and the passage of the Cascadia Bodily Autonomy Act of 1965, respectively. While Civil Rights and Abortion protections were immediately accepted by the population, many did not see much happening with Same Sex Marriage, as it had been passed, but only very few had actually gotten married.

 However, the population continued to accept the changes. Moreno also refunded the northern territories in Equalization, to diversify the economies of the provinces. Weaponry and Technology remained Lennox and Kazanova's main industries, and the ship building industry had only recently recovered at the time Moreno's funding laws passed.

During this time, The San Luis region's economy was becoming more and more unstable due to the slow speeds at which Cascadia's ship building industry were slowed down. In 1965 Cascadia Elected it's Tenth Director Lorena Manick. She was the second woman to be the Director, as well as the first Carribean-Cascadian Director. She was in office from 1965-1975. She Is credited with preventing the nation from collapsing during the early Dark Days of Cascadia, when several consecutive recessions of varying degrees swept over Cascadia from 1970-1974, and resulted in the complete collapse of the economy, but not the country. And in an attempt to calm citizens in a divided nation, on January 1976, Director Manick, and her entire cabinet resigned, and left the nation. In this abscense, the Premier of the Lennox Province, and Kazanova Province announced succession from the failing republic, and the creation of the Republic Of Medway. The Cascadian Civil War had begun.

Fifth Age & Civil War (1976-1981)---------------------

With the declaration of succession being known to all in Cascadia, the remaining Premiers of the Winn Dixie, Capital, Napanee, Sunrise, Valdez, Vice, and Hyena Provinces unanimously agreed to Operation Cascadia. Operation Cascadia would consist of a three phase war, and lasted from June 1 1977 until Jan 11 1981, at 11:00AM UTC-9. The war would be fought between the Union, against  the rebellious Kazanova and Lennox Provinces.

Phase I:

REDUCE.  Psychological Warfare, Chemical Warfare, and Conventional Warfare were to be used, in phases seeing as how the Medway forces would respond. During the initial two years of the war, false air raids, propaganda dropping, power outages, and manipulation would be forced upon the populous, and government. The Cascadians expressed that complacency is not what Pierre Montmorency risked his life for when creating the nation. As a result, nearly 450,000 men and women voluntarily fought on the side of Cascadia. A draft was struck down, as morale would switch against Cascadia, but in Medway a draft was implemented. With nearly 800,000 soldiers ready for war, the Cascadian, and Medway ambassadors to the United Nations had announced that the nation(s) would temporarily be suspending their status as a signature of the Geneva Convention. While the first battles did not start until 1978, the first two years of the war were mainly quite calm. It is important to note that Medway's arsenal was purposefully comprised of lesser-efficient equipment, as the area had historically questioned weaponry not made within Kazanova or Lennox, and questioned it's quality. These questions would face the light of day though, during the Battle of Lennox in 1980. Once Medway's forces had been pushed close enough back to their border, encirclements from the air above Lennox would reduce the city center to ash. Despite having a tactical height advantage with the surrounding mountains, many soldiers did not enter the mountains out of fear of freezing to death.

Phase II:

RESPOND. To reap the benefits of a conflict, is a way of inflicting more pain. Cascadia raided many communications centers, and had taken civilian's of scientific backgrounds, and technological backgrounds into Cascadia under the pretense of protection, and payment. Many of the scientists who left Lennox during the conflict eventually designed many technological advancements, including the National Earthquake Early Warning System (NEEWS). Using stolen technology from Lennox, Cascadia had built frequency jammers, autonomous drones, controlled drones, and had released early warning systems via air drops into Lennox during the battle. In January 1981, the premiers of the Lennox and Kazanova provinces were found in a destroyed district hall in southern Kazanova. they had taken the cowards way out, and did not want to be held accountable for their crimes. In response, the Cascadian Government offered amnesty to any and all soldiers willing to lay down their weapons, and citizens were advised to wear red bows or scarves as a sign of unity if they had no ill intention. This is still common in Cascadia. Many youth don a red bow or red lace in their hair, or wear red scarves during school to emphasize innocence, neutrality, and optimism. Following the January 11th 1981 Armistice at 11:00, Power, Utilities, and Water was restored to any undamaged homes. Now, the final phase of the war would commence.

Phase III:

REBUILD. Seeing as how during the war, a whole city was leveled to the ground, and nearly seven others had sustained some sort of damage from raids or attacks, the country would have to respond with empathy. During this rebuilding phase, the increase in construction, infrastructure, and high skills jobs, caused the economy that was once comparative to that of a developing country, had bounced back to half of it's previous output by 1982. it is estimated that 3/5 Cascadians worked in construction in the 1980s, with the other 2 working in Healthcare, and Technology. It is also noted that of the nearly 4,800,000 Pieces of weaponry, including guns, ammunition, shells, and spent fuselages from crashed and damaged planes would be melted down and reused in Technology.

Sixth Age (1982-2000)-------------------------------------

The Reclamation(1982-1993)

The Eleventh Director of Cascadia, Steve Brule was in office from 1975 to 1985, and presided over the first half of the rebuilding process, named The Reclamation. The Reclamation would pump every last cent of government spending into social programs and rebuilding the nation. Nearly seventeen-thousand projects were approved within 1982 alone. The Ministry of Defense and the Ministry of Mining Operations took things a step further when they had announced that repurposed artillery shells would be used for mining in many regions, where the ground was rich in near surface minerals.

Mining Discoveries (1982-1985)

 In Montmorency, during the removal of an artillery shell behind the Supreme Court Building in early 1983, an artillery shell slipped from a hoist, and detonated upon impact. the surrounding ground caved in and the site of the extraction sunk beneath the ground in a matter of hours. The Supreme Court was not affected, as the buildings foundation was made of stone, and early concrete, and was renovated during the war to include a basement bunker, and better foundations. Once crews could see what the result was, they could not believe it. The artillery shell had hit a vein of open caves running beneath the city that were filled with minerals. During an expedition into the cave, with lights being set up so workers could look around, it was found that imbedded in every square inch of the cave, was a mix of Diamond, Gold, Silicon, as well as a substance unknown to scientists. Upon further inspect, Diamonds, Gold, Emeralds, Nickel, Lithium, Silver, and this unknown substance were all confirmed. The vein that was hit lead to an eventual artery cave nearly two cubic kilometers across, filled with imbedded, and lose minerals. By 1985, Steve Brule was voted out of office, and the Twelfth Director, Johnston Candore was in charge. His tenure in office was rocked with scandal, and he eventually resigned, less than two years into his time, in 1986. He is known as the most despised Director in the nation's history due to his dishonest policy. He was subsequently voted out by the public, and they voted in the Thirteenth Director, Serena Joy, in 1987.

The Serena Joy Directory, and revolutionary policies. (1986-2000)

Serena Joy was a game changed, in office from 1987-2000, and was one of the most beloved and revered directors in Cascadian history. Director Joy ran on continuing this Reclamation, and with the discovery of another mineral artery in Portland, and a minor one in Kazanova, this lead The Directory to pass temporary nationalization laws. Every mining company, every construction company, every architecture firm, and every single manufacturing company within Cascadia would be nationalized for a two year experiment. Joy also promised the companies of a return quadruple their estimates. With not much to lose, This nearly $90 Billion gamble would play out in the favor of the nation, as by 1986 the GDP had truly exploded from $95 Billion, to nearly $700 Billion. The results of the experiment had worked, and as many employees were going back to their private ownership, many businesses and employees offered to keep being nationalized. One question remained though. Who truly gets the excess money? 

Director Joy's answer was simple, half of the money would be put in a rainy day fund to be safe, and the rest would be spent on citizens, and operating the country. This correlates to the current depth of Rainy Day and emergency funds. With the public still being skeptical to this enormous and sudden spike in capital, many were suspicious to labour practices, and environmental policies. This accumulated to the 1988 television interview with Director Serena Joy, the Minister Of Labour, the Minister of Mining, the Minister of Environmental Policy, and the Deputy Minister of Infrastructure, as the current Minister of Infrastructure was receiving cancer treatments and was unable to fulfil their duties. During this interview, all parties, with several television stations, and independents broadcasters, were taken to a mining shaft that had been installed behind the Supreme Court. The Ministers took turns explaining, and showing the discoveries, how the caves were being supported and maintained, working conditions including a field hospital, and interviewed miners both in the presence of superiors and not, and many said that the protections were acceptable, but the pay was also relatively okay. Following this interview, the public felt as though more transparency was a good idea, and in 1989, the Government And Civilian Transparency Agreement Act, was written into law. This act let citizens hold a direct vote on certain projects or policy, including those on infrastructure, mining, and environmental policy. This act would also maintain a fair class system for all in Cascadia, and introduced fair taxation across every province, that was specially catered to each one's industries and each citizen's income. The act would also allow media to broadcast budget overruns, or anything else mentioned by workers within certain ministries of the government, without retaliation. 

Economic Development (1990-2000)

By 1990, the country's GDP had hit $800 Billion for the year. With nearly $300 Billion added to rainy day funds, Cascadia's total capital was now in trillions. It is at this time in the 1990s when the Reclamation had reached it maximum. As in 1993, The Connections Act was passed. The Act saw $500 Billion put into Infrastructure, and environmental trials with technology and ecological projects. It is estimated that between 1991 and 1993, the highest percentage of buildings in Cascadia were built, with nearly 80% of all buildings in the country being built after the year 1990. In Addition, seventeen rail lines, and four Metro lines in different cities, with an additional large boost in popularity for light rail, saw innovations in green transit, with trains being electric multiple units, or using 3rd rail/overhead power supply; all generation sustainably, from photovoltaic panels coating trains. This introduction to mass green technology was also a precursor to the next big Act that Director Joy would pass.

 In 1994, the Green Diamond Act saw a $400 Billion investment in renovating nearly every building and installing green technology and environmental additions. This act also saw many buildings and houses upgraded with solar panels and gardens, and an upgrade to the nation's Building Code saw mandates for lower carbon solutions, including Timber structures.

The discovery of Foraeum (1997)

Another discovery of the time, was finding out the unnamed substance found beneath both Dixieville and Montmorency. The new element was named Foraeum in 1997. It's superconductive nature, and general conductive nature meant it could be formed into circuits, wires, microchips, and could coat silicon chips to make them process even faster. This also held a charge better than Lithium, and could hold a charge for roughly triple the amount of a regular lithium-ion battery. This development lead to the creation of many technological revolutions, including eventual Hologram technology, and advanced radar technology developed in the 2010s. Cascadia remains the only producer of Foraeum, and Nations such as Taiwan and South Korea are the biggest purchasers of Foraeum, with citizens in Cascadia receiving tax credits from the government if they live within 5 Km of a Foraeum mine. Mines are also standardized with environmental regulations including clean carbon capture, and solar, and kinetic energy powering lights, equipment, and life/safety systems. Gasoline powered machinery is still used, but is filtered to prevent poisoning by fumes. 

The Late Days of Serena Joy (1998-2000)

Following the decade of success from 1988-1998, Serena Joy had declared a second reunification, where all citizens were financially stable, homelessness was now a curable problem, and joblessness was at an all time low. The cost of living remained low, and the quality of life rose. The general conclusion most had reached, was that the nation was heading for better days, and nothing could slow down the party. However, there would be a few bumps in the road ahead. 

In 1999, a public poll saw a worrying rise in extremism. with 27 out of 10,000 suggesting political violence, and harming the public was still an acceptable idea, as Le Venir allowed citizens to live their lives fully, including inflicting violence. This would come to the surface in May 1999.

May 5th 1999 Attacks

On May 5th 1999, between the hours of 11:40 and 13:40, a carefully orchestrated series of terror attacks took place across the nation. These attacks consisted of several vehicle-ramming, and bombing campaigns, as well as mass shootings taking place at specific sites in Montmorency, and Lennox. These attacks took the lives of 1,853 people, leaving nearly 4,000 injured, and 600 missing.

Montmorency Attacks

In Montmorency, the Union Station was attacked at 11:40 when a vehicle rammed through the pedestrian pathway, struck several citizens, and then entered the original platform building, and detonating a highly explosive payload moments after a dozen gunmen exited the vehicle and started opening fire across the waiting zone and platform area, before being neutralized by national security forces. The second site of attack was the Camden Town neighbourhood. Camden Town was historically an LGBTQ+ Zone where queer events, culture, and community was centered. A Truck bomb detonated at 11:58, destroying the central square and surrounding residential buildings. Gunmen entered businesses and residences and also opened fire. Security forces eventually neutralized the attackers by 12:18. Finally, At 12:43, the National Directory was attacked, when an artillery shell, packed full of various explosives, was fired from a homemade artillery cannon at a nearly office building. The Shell impacted the corner of the dome, causing the central dome to cave in and destroy the Directory's National Library. Several government members, including senators and members of the Directory were killed and injured, and the aftermath of the attacks lead to nearly three years of reconstruction, with the Directory being opened again, in 2002.

Lennox Attacks

In Lennox, at 13:09, a truck bomb detonated at the Lennox Central Transit Hub, and due to it's high amount of chemical explosives, and chemical compounds that aerosolized, caused full destruction of the city center, including downing three new towers that had been built to celebrate the end of the civil war. A team of two dozen gunmen were running lose in the city center, and it was not until 13:40, that the final attackers were apprehended. A National Emergency was declared at 13:50, and Cascadian airspace, and borders were sealed. Transit systems were suspended, and the nation was placed under a state of hold and secure. During this time, the first responders who saved as many lives as possible were credited for a swift and fast response, but Serena Joy was nowhere to be found. It was later noted that The Director was in the National Directory at the time of the attack, meeting in the Union Room on the southern flank of the building. She sustained minor injuries when the windows blew in, and toppled every member down. Despite her situation, the population showed dismay, but Joy knew how to win back the people, by declaring " Fair, Swift Justice, and Unforgettable Accountability" policies for criminals.


In The Aftermath, nearly five hundred raids across the country lead to the arrest of nearly four-thousand criminals, followed by several trials, and public executions. All of which, following a 2/3 public approval. One of the more startling discoveries of the trials however, was that if Foraeum was charged differently, it could become unstable, and could oxidize when mixed with negative charges and other chemicals that were over the counter across the country. It is noted that Foraeum was already extremally guarded, and Miners could take home at most 0.9grams per year, for personal display or use, or to sell and invest in. This lead to even tighter regulation and security of Minerals, and the nation. Joy was credited for her serious policy, and harsh international stance of logical policy, anti-corruption, and defense measures. but due to lingering public dismay for her initial reaction to the May 5th attacks, and citing deteriorating health, Director Joy stepped down in 2000.  

Seventh Age (2000-)------------------------------------

With Serena Joy stepping down, and the economy continuing to grow, a moderate, Jacques Simon was elected to the Fourteenth Directory from 2000 to 2005. He is credited with continuing the tradition of infrastructure investment, and by giving businesses more options when it came to privatization or government ownership. He also is credited with the passage of several security and intelligence eyes, and a notable boost to the intelligence community's funding, with the re-instating of The Eyes, following the 1999 attacks. He also laid out the 2004 Director Limitations Act, which saw Directors serving no more than two five year terms. It also was written into law that if any member of the National Directory, or the Director themselves were trying to subvert this act, that they would be executed. This margin passed with near 100% Public Support.

Kasich Directory and Y2K Optimism (2005-2010)

He was voted out of office in 2005 and succeeded by the Fifteenth Director of Cascadia, Karl Kasich from 2005 to 2010. He is remembered as one of the most peaceful Directors, including his denial of allowing Cascadian forces to fight for any coalition for more than a year, if the conflict did not show signs of Cascadian favorability. He is also credited with the famous Loan of $20 Billion to the city of Lennox for their rejuvenation, following the founding of Cascadia tech firm, PIXL Corp. This lead to extreme investment into Lennox to be the hub for technology of the nation, as it continues to be today. 

Kasich was voted out of the Directory by a slim margin in 2010, and the Sixteenth director, Andrea Horwathe was elected. She is credited with more environmental policies, climate policies, natural disaster funding, and healthcare reform. She is also credited with her 2014 Veterans Care Act, which established bi-annual investigations into veteran care, and spending, which mandated a pension, accelerated healthcare, guaranteed good quality of life, and access to tax credits. She was in power from 2010-2020.

Current Day

The Current Seventeenth Director is whbilbo. Elected in 2020, whbilbo has been credited for bringing Cascadia into the modern world, improving foreign relations with fellow nations, and for expanding the national rail network. He is also credited with expanding traditionally neutral relationships with The United Republic, as well as his handling of several high profile national emergencies and legal cases, including the 2019-2022 Covid-19 Pandemic, and the persecution of guilty individuals. Support for the Seventeenth Director is currently moderate, with many domestically supporting the Director, but also with some skeptical of the Director both domestically and internationally. 


Nation Size

Roughly, Cascadia spans an area of 10,500 x 9800 blocks. with several enclaves, and with 13 provinces, it is one of the largest nations on the creative map.

Government & Politics


Cascadia & The Real World

Despite Cascadia Following PCB's RP and Lore, Cascadia has a separate lore it  follows for the Real World. Below is an example of events since 1945.

McCarthyism in the United States1950Cascadia develops Nuclear weapons in 1953.
Communism In The USSR1955Mini-Reactors are commonplace in Cascadian Tech/Planes/Vehicles.
Second Chinese Civil War1960Social Reforms in Cascadia
Civil Rights in the west, 2nd Chinese Civil War continues, India's Conflict begins1965Start Of Cascadian Decline
Destabilization in Europe and Asia1970Early Dark Days begin.
Vietnam War continues,2nd  Chinese Civil War ends in radiation.1975Cascadian Civil War Begins in 1977
South America Unites, Argentina Nuked.1980Cascadian Civil War ends in 1981
Quebec Crisis, Independent Taiwan takes Hainan, Japan Develops Nukes.1985Cascadia Supercharges Up.
Chernobyl, European Hostility to USSR, Indian Civil War begins.1986Serena Joy Era begins.
Collapse of the USSR, India Collapses.1987GDP Explosion.
Japan Recession, New Chinese Nation Collapses.1988Government Openness Bill Passes.
The Eastern Bloc in Europe collapses1989Military Developments.
Germany Reunites, Japan Rebounds from Recession in ungodly levels.1990Cascadian GDP hits the Trillions.
Europe Unites, Ukraine joins the Union.1991GDP Growth
Collapse of Russia, 2nd Russian Civil War begins.1992GDP Growth
Taiwan Takes the southern Chinese coast.1993GDP Growth
Middle Eastern Bloc forms from Egypt, Jordan, Bahrain, Saudi Arabia, UAE, Kuwait.1994Green Diamond Bill passes.
2nd Russian Civil War goes nuclear. Global Recession.1995Recession Avoided. Technology Advances.
Britain Collapses, America Collapses and enters it's 2nd Civil War.1996Mining Growth
Canada absorbs part of Maine, and all of Alaska. Europe Linearly Nukes the entire Russian-European border from North to South.1997Foraeum has been Discovered. 
The USSR reforms, with part of Western Russia, Belarus, Kazakhstan, The Caucasus and Mongolia.1998GDP Growth
Iceland strikes new resources.1999Relations with Iceland Normalized. May 1999 Attack.

Indian Civil War continues.

Canada lands on the moon.

2000Recovery of May 1999 Attacks.

Britain Reconstructed.

Communist China returns.

2001The Eyes, Reinstated.

Several republics form from the collapsed United States.

Global Fertility Crisis Begins.

2002R&D Funding is now Mandatory.

2nd US Civil War ends. USSR Invades Xinjiang region of China.

2003GDP Growth

Japan retakes the Kuril Islands, and Nukes Vladivostok.

2004Director Limitations Act.

North Africa Destabilization begins, Indian Famine Begins. (400M+ Deaths)

2005PIXL Corp Forms

Canada develops Nukes, Indonesia takes Sarawak .

2006$20BN Loan to Lennox.

US Reconstruction, Türkiye Collapses, Greece Collapses. 

2007Tech Explosion Begins.

2008 Recession hits Western Europe, Middle East, and Asia. Argentina joins South American Bloc.

200808 Recession partly avoided.

Euro-Russian War in Belarus. European Victory, Pandemic in the USSR begins as a result of USSR Bio-Weapon Development.

2009Medical Breakthroughs.

South Korea and Japan Retake North Korea. Korea Reunified.

2010Cascadia Joins The G8

The Philippines joins the G20

2011Cascadia Isolationism Ends.

Israel Collapses following the 2008 Recession. Palestine forms with support from the Middle East Bloc.

2012Intervention In Palestine Formation.
Hawai'i Gains Independence.2013American Refugee Crisis.
Fertility Crisis explodes. Global population plummets fast.2014GDP Growth.
American Civil War Restarts. Gilead forms in the great plains and Utah.2015Ecology Reforms.
Canada Attacks the USSR's Arctic Bases and Cities with Nuclear Weapons.2016Arts/Culture Act. Dozens of US Artists claim refuge in Cascadia.
Handmaid Crisis in Gilead exposes, USSR still in crisis with China over Xinjiang.2017Holo-screen Tech Normalizations.
US 2nd Civil War enters it's 22nd Year in the south west. Korea becomes the #1 Global Economy.2018GDP Growth.
COVID-19 Begins in China, US Republics start to get their footings.2019GDP Growth.
Europe lands on the Moon. COVID-19 continues.2020COVID-19 Pandemic.
The world is temporarily at peace.2021COVID-19 Pandemic.
Ireland collapses, Canada lands on Mars. Ukraine V USSR war begins.2022Post-Pandemic Growth.
Fertility Crisis slowly winds down after a population boost.2023Cures for Addiction, HIV, and early Cancer cures developed.
Global Stability becomes more common.2024Status Quo.



General Population Information

The Cascadian Ministry of National Development has recorded that Cascadia's population as of January 1st 2024 was 18,203,961 people. This represents a 2.2% increase since January 1st 2023. While a historically tight Immigration cap of 15,000 per year has waned from 75,000 per year in the 1950s, to the current low as 15,000 starting in 2000 onwards, the nation's birth rate still remains one of the highest on the creative map. At 1.92 Children per married/union couples, and social policies in place to help families grow with tax breaks, the population is estimated to hit 20,000,000 by 2025, and further estimates show growth to roughly 25,000,000 by the year 2030. While the population density ranges across the country by province, the Capital, Napanee, Winn-Dixie, and Lennox Provinces are the most populous in the nation. Cities such as Montmorency, Dixieville, Lennox, and Portland are large population centers. Urbanization and Technological expansion over the last thirty years have lead to nearly 80% of the total population living in urban centers. The Civil War and Dark Days saw a 14% population decrease between 1979 and 1989. However, the population rebounded by 1994. 

Provincial Populations


(by Pop.)

2023 Census

Directory Representation

(tot. 150 Seats)

Total Proportion Total Proportion
1 Capital 6,250,000 34.15% 54 33.3%
2 Winn-Dixie 4,500,000 24.59% 39 26.1%
3 Lennox 2,405,000 13.11% 15 10.2%
4 Napanee 800,000 4.37% 8 5.3%
5 Vixen 700,000 3.83% 7 4.6%
6 Nouvel 650,000 3.55% 6 4.0%
7 Hyena 580,000 3.17% 5 3.3%
8 Pellas 500,000 2.73% 5 3.3%
9 Minaj 500,000 2.73% 4 2.6%
10 Sunrise 350,000 1.91% 3 2.0%
11 Hinterlands 230,000 1.26% 2 1.0%
12 Strausse 160,000 0.87% 1 0.5%
13 Valdez 150,000 0.82% 1 0.5%
Diversity and Ethnic Populations

While a tight immigration cap remains in place in 2024, Immigration in the 1950s, and 1960s saw the first waves of immigration from Asia, The Caribbean, and Latin America. The Indigenous population has significantly grown since data recording started in 1850 and again since 1970, when social and economic acts were put in place to remove the final setbacks for Indigenous Cascadians.

Group background
Population by group
Proportion of tot. Population (%)
Historical Immigration Rate (%)
Caucasian/European 11,750,000 64.11% 60%
Indigenous Cascadian 4,500,000 24.62% 0%
Japanese Cascadian 650,000 3.55% 15%
Caribbean Cascadian 600,000 3.28% 10%
Korean Cascadian 250,000 1.37% 5%
Chinese Cascadian 215,000 1.17% 5%
Latin Cascadian 175,000 0.96% 2.5%
South Asian Cascadian 140,000 0.76% 2.5%

Currently, there is no plan to expand immigration due to the tight knit order of the Cascadian economy to equally support a set projected population. Cascadia also has immigration and open border policies with other nations such as Ajudige, The United Republic, and the United States of Acta Ora.




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